The Dahlia Grove Process

The Dahlia Grove process embraces the whole person and their individual journey. We ensure our residents are provided with trauma informed and client centered care that, at its core, is grounded in a sense of safety and community. Each new resident comes to Dahlia Grove with unique experiences and finds themselves at a different place in life. Many come with only the clothes on their back – no identification, no Social Security number, limited education and no family support. Our job is to provide the resources needed for recovery, sobriety and healing.

Phase 1

Preparing the Soil


Preparing the Soil starts with re-establishing their personal identity -- having their own ID and the ability to access public services or open a Bank account. These are things we all take for granted but it’s a complicated and important step for each resident. It might continue with putting clothes in their closet, new shoes on their feet and the secure knowledge that they have a safe bed to sleep in and food in the cupboard. Our community partners, food banks and clothes providers are critical in this phase.

Then next steps address health with each resident receiving a personalized plan for healthcare and their therapeutic needs. This includes a detailed assessments for drug treatment, mental health and physical health. Most new residents come to us with significant challenges in these areas and we work with great partners in the community who provide these professional services.

Phase 2

Planting the Seed


As we move forward with a resident in Phase 2, Planting the Seed, we work to develop routine and stability. Beyond physical and mental health, enabling true, sustainable healing is a long process. Life skills are critical – learning how to open a Bank account or pay a bill. Residents grow to understand responsibility, punctuality, and work ethic as they develop pride in themselves and in their new home. Our Social Enterprise, a catering business at Dahlia Grove, is a major part of this process as the women can learn to be productive employees in a controlled environment.

Phase 3

Blossom and Bloom

As residents enter Phase 3, Blossom and Bloom, after Dahlia Grove, more formal education is an option as they can work towards a GED or gain tangible work skills in technology, art or similar areas. Again, we have great community partners who assist us in this.

Phase 4

Sisters for Life

Once our residents have graduated from the program, we look forward to seeing them as healthy, happy and productive members of our local community – and as long-term members of the Dahlia Grove family as well! They have reached Phase 4 -- Sisters for Life!